How To Be An Effective Listener

I admit, I am outspoken person, that means talking comes easy and listening is harder. If we want to be a better friend, a better spouse, a better leader, listening skill is equally important skill to master for all of us. All too often we are far more enthusiastic about talking than we are listening.  Yet it is so vital if we are to communicate effectively.  Most break downs in relationships are caused because people talk at each other without really making contact.  Unless someone hears what has been said including the subtext the words have little value.

One of the biggest problem I have during listening is when person is talking, I am already thinking of counter sentence or reply to what the person is saying without really focusing on 100% listening. I hear but I do not listen properly. One time, I promise Zenguy that I will completely listen to him, without interrupting and counter outwitting him. I came to realize I am was bad at listening part. Since then I have decided to search on how to be a better listener. While I am improving, I still have ways to go. Here are some key point that I have learned which may help you as well having a better relationship with your spouse, kids, co-workers and friends.

Why Listening is Best for Relation Building:

  1. When we are actively listened to we feel valued and are far more likely to engage in negotiation and compromise.
  2. Listening is about far more than words.  Watching facial expression and body language is often a far more accurate barometer than the words that are being used.
  3. Nice things being said where the smile doesn’t reach the eyes is an obvious example.
  4. To be an effective listener it is vital that you listen actively.

How to Be An Effective Listener: 8 ways to becoming a more effective listener:

While, there are many ways to be a best listener, here are top 10 key points that will make a you a better person, a better leader, a better spouse and a better parent or friend just simply by listening and giving importance to other person’s point of view. After all, we all want to be appreciated for what we are, what we say and do.

  1. The main thing when you listen is to make an eye contact during listening to the person so he or she knows you are focusing on what he or she has to say.
  2. Read the body language of the talker.  Are they relaxed, anxious, angry? Extremes are easy to recognize but often the message is much more subtle. Try to also focus on your body language to keep it neutral, specially if conversation is opposite of your view point. Mirror the talker’s body language- subtly, a gentle dance rather than a caricature.
  3. Show that you are listening, make a nod, make appropriate responses as required truly.
  4. If possible, Ask relevant questions, ask them to clarify if you are not clear about their meaning, when they finished talking the sentence. Wait until they take a break, try not to interrupt in middle of the sentence. Summarize: so what you are saying is……….so they know what you understood is correct or not.
  5. Use open ended questions, the who, what, where, when to make sense of it all. (if there is a confusion)
  6. Be careful of the tone of your voice when you respond or ask questions.  It is all to easy to come across as judgmental and hostile. That would defeat the purpose of a good listener, right?
  7. Use empathy. Acknowledge difficulties, but be careful not to fall into the trap of going into anecdotes from your experience.  “ I sense that you are finding this rather difficult” rather than “Oh I know, it happened to me but mine was bigger, more difficult etc” Try  not to relay your own experience and give them solution. Many times, people do not want solutions, they just want to be heard.
  8. Take a real interest, if you are simply going through the motions the lack of sincerity will be obvious to others.  Leave your problems, worries and ego behind when listening to other person. I sometimes find myself thinking of what to make for dinner or pay bills, that will not be obvious to person talking and not make things better. Leave other things behind for little while.


Keep practicing, if you do not succeed first time, try again and again. It will become easier. Practice with your best friend, spouse or your mom. When someone truly listens to you, without any judgement or interruptions, you will end up feeling so fulfilled and know how great it feels to be listened to and be understood. After that you want to make other people feel that way as well, it is contiguous.

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How To Deal With Negative People

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All of us sometimes have to deal with negative people that simply drains our energy and our wit. Sometimes we can avoid these people to catch a breath and other times, we may not be able to, specially, if that person happens to be a relative, co-worker, boss. How to we deal with negative people depends on our own thinking and perspective. Some might say “Do not let him/her get to you” or “Just ignore them” type of suggestions, but sometimes it is not so simple to just do that. For that we need to cultivate our mind and habit to a point where whatever someone says or behaves does not affect us.

Meanwhile, we can not get rid of people in our life, politics, jealousy, anger, negativity in people affects us. As humans tend to be social creatures and we have social need, we will bound to find occasionally people who may drive us crazy with their negative thinking.

How to Deal With Negative People

While we may wish to eliminate negativity from world, until that happens we can use these simple tips to dealing with these people bit easier on us.

1.Place limits or restrictions:

Having no limits can give anyone free reign to do as they wish, so set limit. Such as if someone keeps saying bad words or keeps on complaining, tell them to stop or redirect the conversation.

2. Find Protection

Let’s face it, sometimes we are more sensitive and vulnerable to criticism or constant negativity. During those time, find some protection to help you such as take trusted friend when you are meeting a negative person. Make sure you avoid more than require contact with difficult person until you feel ready for it.

3. Push for Positivity.

It is difficult to be positive all the time, but it can be changed. Whenever you think, negativity is starting to affect you, find a inspirational quotes book, go out in fresh air, share a joke with someone, do something you absolutely love to bring back positive balance back in to the life.

4. Redirect or Change the Topic

When conversation is going somewhere, where it becomes awkward and uncomfortable. You can redirect or change the conversation topic subtlety to avoid further negativity.

5. Find Reasons Behind it

Sometimes when we look for “whys” behind someone’s negativity either towards us or someone else, things become little easier to handle and fix. If someone is negative towards you, find out why they feel that way, once you listen to the cause you might be able to fix it, say sorry or move on. Knowing why can help you with solution in some cases.

6. Eat well, Sleep well.

Our energy or positivity is low when we are famished and sleepy. So always try to eat well, sleep well, eat and think healthy to be your best energy level to take each day in best way we can.

7. Find What works for you.

Only you know yourself better than anyone else. So, know what works for you and what situation cause you to stress out and be frustrated. Avoid people, situation that makes you feel out of control and uncomfortable. If you do find situation that is negative, work out a small back up plan to get out of it as soon as you can.

How To Deal With Negative People Video

Here is a short video I found that explains it well on how to deal with Negative people.I hope you are lucky one that do not need to deal with anyone negative, but if you are like most of us, these tips will come handy.

Your Turn: How do you deal with Negative People?

Remaking America: Dealing with Finance Crisis

Image Source:

There is lot of things wrong with world today, one of them being people are hurting due to economy all over the world, in Asia, Europe such as Greece crisis. However, nothing is worse than in America, once land of American dream and an opportunities. Easy credit, and buy now and pay later culture has left many people, who are hard working, honest people in stressful financial situation.

I recently wrote about 5 ways to save money and 5 more ways to save money as many of us need to find ways to save money, reduce debt. Yahoo news has recently started a series called “Remake America” which talks about a few family’s stories on how their financial life has been affected by foreclosure, medical issues and layoffs.  Stories are real and emotional, it is sure not reality Television where everything is exaggerated.

Take a look at each families story, see what you can learn from it. It is easy to judge someone else but be able to see how easy it could any of us. Unemployment rates are going down but it might be misleading number, as un-employment rates only comes for current number of people who are getting a benefits. Many people are not reported or do not qualify for the unemployment, making real number much higher and hard to quantify.

New Jersey Family: Unemployment, 3 Kids and Debt

John and Michele Kocotos family has 3 kids, father in law, 2 mortgages, 3 maxed out credit cards, children’s brace and glass, truck that needs repair and whole lot of stress. John has worked for Red Cross for 16 years, helping in many emergency crisis situation such as 911, Hurricane katrina and more. However he was let go due to budget cuts, and now he is working in supermarket at minimum wages. His wife also works but it is not enough to make enough money to pay bills and feed family of 6. You can click below to see their story in video and more details.

See their story here: Remake America: Kocotos

Kyle and Krystal’s Story: Ex Marine’s life now

This is one of the heart wrenching story, Kyle who really wanted to serve his country and do something nice, so he enlisted for Marine corps while being high school. He served  well and was proud of his contribution he made. In 2006, he humvee was exploded by roadside bomb, injuring him and losing one hand.

Now with wife and 2 kids, he is stay at home dad, while his wife works for subway, making little money and no support. This story probably hit  hard many readers as seen by comments, many feeling that US should take care of its soldier so they do not have to be in this situation of financial mess.

To see their story and video click here: Adjusting after war Kyle’s story

Kirk and Latosha’s story: Layoff and crazy bills

Kirk and Latosha’s seem to have starting a good love story. She says, she was waiting for perfect man and she found Kirk to that man and married him. Now six kids, 2 dogs, mortgage and layoff of kirk 2 years ago, has made the couple’s relationship on edge. Kirk as a man has hits self esteem issue as he feels as a man he should be a provider, they have lost a house in foreclosure already but other problems with finance are still persistent.

Latosha works full time, helping low income families, the help that she needs very much herself is the irony of her life. Kirk is spending full time, focusing on finding job without much luck.

See Latosha and Kirk story and video click here: Kirk and Latosha Bills and layoff

Bill and Donna’s Story: Health care and bad economy’s effect

Bill and Donna are older couple with adult kids, they thought everything was going well for them as they were working, had retirement plan set up. Then Bill had a health trouble, he had stroke, one side of body stopped working, when he was barely recovered, he started working at the same job before he had a stroke. Somehow, the company thought it was best time to layoff Bill then.

Bill was down but not out, he and his wife invested their savings to start a business Bill had passion for, a hardware store. Ace hardware store opened up close to his hardware store, failing his mom and pops business dream. Right now he is working hard again but barely making it. Worse part of the story, they had lost, job, business, health and most hope.

To see video and story of Bill and Donna click here: Health care and bad economy

Leslie’s Story: Real Estate Agent bad luck

Like all above story, Leslie’s story is real. As a successful real estate agent Leslie did well for herself and her clients who bought houses. With real estate bubbles, she was struggling but still working hard, until she was laid off by her real estate company. She feels as a single woman and older age has not helped her get a job, as she feels she is discriminated against it. She feels alone in her flight, shame to tell her friends or kids that she has been using her IRA or retirement money to pay mortgage and bills, when that runs out she will be in even worse position.

To read and see Leslie’s story click here: Struggle of former real estate agent

Suggestion for Remaking America:

American culture has been pushed towards instant gratification, buy now and pay later. I was born in India but living here in US for over 20 years, has also made me part of same mentality. I gradually started to change my ways when I quit and decided to be stay at home mom (on purpose). What a thing to do for these people and many others who are in similar situation? While, I am not a finance guru, here are a few suggestions that may help;

  1. If you have 2 cars, sell one or both car. Even when you sell a car with loss, you will get rid of some payments and bills such as car payment, care insurance, gas and so on. If you think you need a one car for job interviews, keep older one or buy reliable old Honda or other smaller car.
  2. If you have one or more mortgage, think of downsizing the house by re-selling it, renting it as whole and rent a room to make some income.
  3. Sell stuff from home, such as jewelry, gadgets, coins, furniture. Even if you sell it cheaper, you will create some space and much needed income with it, specially if the stuff is just sitting in closet.
  4. When you are unemployed, get rid of services or cut down to bare minimum. You will not need premium cable, magazine, netflix, or newspaper subscription.  Make your cell phone and internet service from premium to bare minimum to reduce extra payment.
  5. Eat at home, reduce take out from restaurants. Occasional take out may be okay but if you do it daily, it will add to your expense and your waist at the same time.
  6. No matter how bleak situation maybe, there is a light at the end of tunnel. Think about it, when you have hit rock bottom, only place to go now is up.
  7. Keep up your health and healthy routine. It is hard to find motivation when everything seems to be going against your way but keeping your health and wits about will make you get of the financial hole much quicker so eat healthy.
  8. Think positive, go out in fresh air to walk. Pray to God or higher power. Let go of negative or “naysayer” thoughts from your mind.
  9. Keep trying but if things do not work in some times, have an alternative career or job in mind.
  10. Work odd job, do lawn care for neighbors, start a blog business or any business from home that requires little capitol to get started.

Most of all, do not lose hope. How do I know? I have been there. A few years ago, Zenguy was in between jobs and project and I was stay at home mom of 2 kids so I made zero money. We were in that situation for 22 months, while Zenguy is fortunataly working now, effect of past bills keeps us still little choice. I am not saying it is easy now, but it does get bit better and slowly so keep at it.

Other interesting read:

Top 10 Money Saving Tips

Preserve Food to Save money on Groceries

My No Spend Month Challenge Experiment

How to earn more money

Does Both Spouse need to work? Not if you plan right.

How to Help Unemployed Friend or Family?

Story of Stuff: Must watch for those who like to shop

Compare your richness with world: You’ll be amazed

Irony of Recession:  Goods Price gets higher, income gets lower

How to help someone in bad economy?

Items to Spend money on:

Items to Save Money on:

Save Money when eating out tips:

10 Mood Lifting Quotes About Love


Love makes everything better. If you think that is cliche,  think of all the people who did not get love from family, others they tend to become trouble maker or may find distrust in people. all of us want to love and be loved by others. Love is universal, it does not need a language, religion or race to make it understand and feel. Love is felt, love is experience, love is hard to explain in a words but here are a few quotes that will simply does that.  Love can be from spouse, mother, father, friend, siblings, it does not have be romantic kind, as there are many type of love relationship, many of them are non sexual. Getting love from parents when you are young is is important for first 5 years of child’s life as shown by many child experts, it makes them grow up to be a better human being according to them.

There are many great love quotes about funny love, cute love and heart break. Here are 10 love quotes to make you listen to your heart for once and forget mind.

10 Love Quotes For you!

10. “To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage.”- Lao Tzu

9. “The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being. His heart withers if it does not answer another heart. His mind shrinks away if he hears only the echoes of his own thoughts and finds no other inspiration.” – Peter S. Buck

8. “With love and patience, nothing is impossible”- Daisaku Ikeda

7. “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” -Helen Keller

6. “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever.” -Alfred Lord Tennyson

5. “Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition.”
-Alexander Smith

4. “If you have love in your life it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don’t have it, no matter what else there is, it’s not enough.” -Ann Landers

3. “You know you’re in love when you don’t want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” -Dr. Seuss

2. “I love you, not only for what you are, But for what I am when I am with you.” -Roy Croft

My favorite and #1 quote for love is;

“People were created to be loved;

Things were created to be used;

The reason why world seems to be in CHAOS,

is because things are being loved;

and people are being used.”

I am not sure who the original author of above quote is, but it is so profound. No wonder the modern world, we feel something is not right, and now we can pinpoint the reason and fix it in our life.

Feel Love, Listen to your heart. Heart has never steered anyone wrong, listening to mind over your heart may keep you maybe rich or popular but rarely happy. Find a balance that your heart and mind wants it together! Finding harmony in life is always a best route.


50 Ways To Show Your Love

Image Source: Source

One of the most important thing in mankind life is love and expression of love. We human beings are social creatures and relationships are important and integral part of our living and self worth. Can you imagine, if you had money, fame, beauty and everything you wished for but no true person to love, trust? That would be unbalanced life that would suck big time.

Sometimes, we go through many emotions with our family, friends, spouse, boy friend, girl friend, parents, and children: Some of them makes us happy, some of it makes us sad, and some of it may make us angry as relationship are never straight forward, and are as complex as human beings. Many times, we do  not know how to express our love to someone, or we may show it the way we had seen from relatives, parents, which may or maybe not be the correct way. Some people may think buying expensive gift for someone you love is ONLY way to show you care. There are many simple and inexpensive ways to rock your marriage and love life.

If you ask my mom how to show we love her, she may tell that if we finished the food she cooked and asked for seconds that is love. It might be, but then you load up on love and calories at the same time, two in one combo, which may not be the perfect way to show love.Yet, my mom’s cooking is great and having someone cook for me is even greater so I ask for seconds always. Little weight and exercise later is worth it for my mom’s cooking!

Here are 50 easy and simple ways to shows your love (and hopefully right way) to your loved ones, not only on Valentine day but everyday!

  1. Simply say “I love you” and mean it.
  2. Listen to them, without interrupting
  3. Give them hug
  4. Ask them how was their day in the evening
  5. When you see them give a smile
  6. Watch romantic movies with them
  7. Do something special just for her like going shopping, or special for him like learn to like his favorite sport.
  8. Make an effort to take an interest their life
  9. Do not lie
  10. Keep faith in each other
  11. Make thier favorite meal for him/her or make it together
  12. Watch sunset together
  13. Put blanket on them when they have slept off, tuck them in (Yes, even adults)
  14. Show them you “need” them in your life
  15. Invest time in your relationship
  16. Do not compare them with others
  17. Share good things about them to others
  18. Share problems and issues you may have in private
  19. When having an issue, address situation and do not attack the person
  20. When being busy, spend quality time
  21. Listen, truly listen (not just “hear”)
  22. Encourage them to be the best
  23. Have trust in them
  24. Do not be possessive, let them be
  25. Make a time for each other
  26. Do not nag (If you can not help it, do it less)
  27. Be genuine in praise
  28. Try to forgive silly minor mistakes
  29. Do not cheat on them
  30. Dance together (Even when you do not know how)
  31. When in your loved one is in bad mood, give them some space without ignoring them too much
  32. Never go to sleep angry (I learned this from Zenguy)
  33. Keep your promises
  34. Be a good father: That is a good turn on for many wives
  35. Do not gossip about him or family: How to make sure a guy like you
  36. It is okay to depend on each other
  37. It is okay to be traditional in marriage
  38. Be respectful of each other
  39. Set boundaries in love and follow it (specially when dating)
  40. True love is giving and never disciplinarian or authoritative
  41. Note to girls:  You do not have to dress provacotically to make guy like you, cover up! (Right Guy will respect you for it.
  42. Something are worth waiting for such as Sex
  43. Treat them like you wanted to be treated
  44. Praise them even when they are not around to hear it
  45. Say what you mean
  46. When angry, count until 100 before you say something you may regret
  47. Occasional dis-agreement and fights are natural in the beginning, do not think your love is doomed because of it.
  48. Make compromises that work for both of you.
  49. Do not follow love trends of celebrities or others, make your own judgement and follow your own gut feelings
  50. Love is surrendering to other person, it is not about having power over them.

Have a great love life with these simple steps, do you have yours to add to the list?

Top 10 Must See Romantic Movies

Source:, Romantic Posters

Great Romantic Movies

I love watching entertaining and educational movies in my spare time when I am not in busy with kids or cooking. I like to combine my interest so, I make healthy snacks at home just I can sit down and have entertaining friends and family by watching DVDs at home. It is not only cheaper to watch a movie from my own collection or rented from movie rental store. Also check classic uplifting holidays movies for family that will sure to bring cheer and inspiration to anyone. Valentine day is just around the corner and it is a great to do something special for your loved ones.

I love romantic reading as any other woman out there, and I cry at sappy movies and laugh and get happy when there is a happy ending to people’s love.There is something about two people destined to be together come over great obstacles and misunderstanding to come together in the end, which is so inspirational and hopeful for anyone in love out there. Many of are made for women no wonder some are call chick-movies. Another romantic things to for your loved one is get them flowers for valentine, chocolate or cook dinner for them. Hopefully guy who is truly in love will watch these movies with his girlfriend, wife, sister or mother. There are many romantic comedies out there which are great. I want to share my top romantic movies list.

Top Romantic Movies

1. Titanic

Language: English
Genre: Romance/Drama
MPAA rating: PG-13
Director: James CameronActors: Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane
Based on part non-fiction and part fictional story takes place in voyage over the ocean and tells a story of unlikely pair in love. Young rich girl and poor boy’s doomed love story. Whole story is told in flash back by old lady who comes with her grand daughter to retell what really happened. I love Leo’s character in this movie and made him a star.

2. An Affair to Remember

Genres: Drama, Romance, Rating: NR,Language:English
Director: Leo McCarey
Actors: Cary Grant, Deborah Kerr, Richard Denning,Neva Patterson, Cathleen Nesbitt,Robert Q. Lewis

I did not see this movie until recently and I loved it and wonder why I had not seen it. It stars Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr. This another love story in ocean liner and fall deeply in love. Deborah’s character is engaged to somebody but they agree to meet after six month at Empire State’s Building if they still felt the love after six month’s time. A tragic accident keep their love apart but in end all ends well.

3. Casablanca

Language: English
Genre: Drama/Romance
MPAA rating: NR
Director: Michael Curtiz
Actors: Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Paul Henreid

This movie is set in Casablaca, Africa during 1940s. Bogart’s character has past which he wants to forget and avoid. He meets his past love, Ingrid again in a bar he owns. Things get complicated as has a husband now and to watch happens next you have to watch this movie.

4. Roman Holiday

Language: English
Genre: Drama/Romance
MPAA rating: NR
Director: William Wyler
Actors: Gregory Peck, Audrey Hepburn, Eddie Albert

I love Audery Hepburn and this was her first ever movie for which she won an academy award. It also stars Gerogory Peck as news paper reporter. He meets a princess played by Audrey who has escaped her boring family life. Will he spill the beans in new paper story? Watch this movie to find out.

5. City of Angels

Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Rating: PG-13,Language:English
Director: Brad Silberling
Actors:Nicolas Cage,Meg Ryan,Andre Braugher,Dennis Franz,Colm Feore,Sarah Dampf

This movie is remade or inspired by a German movie called Wings of Desire. Meg Ryan plays a heart surgeon and has just lost a patient. An angel name Seth played by Nicholas Cage comes for this patient and falls in love with doctor. She can feel him and Angel chooses to be normal human and losing his immortality to be with woman he loves. Touching romantic story is gripping to watch.

6. When Harry Met Sally

Director: Rob Reiner
Actors:Meg Ryan,Billy Crystal,Lisa Jane Persky,Carrie Fisher,Steven Ford,Bruno Kirby
Genres: Comedy, Romance
Rating: R Language: English

This movie asks eternal question, can man and woman can be ever true friend or sex will have come between them. This movie spans two people’s life from a college to twenty years, starting with friendship and more to see they truly care and loved each other.

7. Gone With the Wind

Language: English
Genre: Drama/Romance
MPAA rating: PG
Director: Victor Fleming
Actors: Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, George Reeves

An epic movie tells civil war tale of a strong woman, Scarlett, who loves the man she didn’t marry. When she truly realize that man she married is the person she truly love, it is too late.

8. Pretty Woman

Director: Garry Marshall
Actors: Julia Roberts, Richard Gere,Jason Alexander, Alex Hyde-White, Hector Elizondo
Genres: Romance, Comedy Rating:R
Language: English

Richard Gere plays a rich lawyer, whose girl friend has left him. He meets a prostitue to give him a direction and he uses her services to take her to special events and get to know each other to realize they there is more to the relation and that is love.

9. It Happened One Night

Language: English
Genre: Comedy/Romance
MPAA rating: NR
Director: Frank Capra
Actors: Clark Gable, Claudette Colbert, Roscoe Karns

A rich and spoiled daughter of rich father, runs away from home to meet the guy she think she in love with. She meet up Clark’s character who is newspaper reporter and they take journey together to realize at the end that they are in love with each other.

10. Romancing the Stone

Genres: Action, Adventure
Director:Robert Zemeckis
Actors:Michael Douglas,Kathleen Turner,Danny DeVito,Zack Norman,Alfonso Arau,Manuel Ojeda

A romance writer played by Kathleen Turner, receives a treasure map in the mail. She is soon headed to Columbia and have an adventure to save her sister from kidnappers, and maybe fall in love with a rogue soldier-of-fortune played by Kirk Douglas.

Non movies way to Celebrate Love, Romance and Valentine Day:

Two Dozen Red Roses (with FREE glass vase) - Flowers


Classic Romance Gifts

Valentine Amore Romantic Gift Set - Bed of Roses Scented floating silk rose petals and tealight candles Valentine Amore Romantic Gift Set – Bed of Roses Scented floating silk rose petals and tealight candles

BoldLoft "Say I Love You" Couple Pillowcases-Romantic Valentines Gifts for Couples, Cute Valentines Day Gift Ideas, Good Couple Gifts for Valentines, Romantic Anniversary Gifts BoldLoft “Say I Love You” Couple Pillowcases-Romantic Valentines Gifts for Couples, Cute Valentines Day Gift Ideas, Good Couple Gifts for Valentines, Romantic Anniversary Gifts

Reasons I love you stones Pack
My Heart Will... Pocket Compass My Heart Will… Pocket Compass

New York School Spys On “Not So Thin” Kids 24*7

I was just browsing the news site as I occasionally I do, and this post caught my eyes. While this is not certainly a political blog, I thought parents around US will be concerned about it as it may spread to other states within US. Currently in use in St. Louis and South Orange, New Jersy and now New York. Mostly likely more to follow (I dread the thought)

New York school apparently has been spying on “fat” kids even at home, 24 hours, 7 days a week with electronic monitor. The updates are made in password protected websites that teacher and student can access. And you know, this is not even new, it has been going on for over 2 years and mostly without parental consent. One of the volunteer and active parent even did not know about it. School authorities are saying that it is because of “Reinforcement of Fighting Obesity”.

If that is the case, why not get consent from parents?, why not take out soda and junk snack machines from school?, Why not give school more lunch and recess time? Why not have more physical education and free play time? And what about “not so thin” teachers, principals and other adults?

Why not give parents and students chance to opt-in or opt-out instead of 24*7 monitoring? And how is that going to help encourage a student to lose weight? Questions are many, answers are few or none. Here see the original article and judge it for yourself.

Original NY Post Article below:

Big Brother is joining the battle of the bulge.

A group of Long Island students will soon be wearing controversial electronic monitors that allow school officials to track their physical activity around the clock.

The athletics chair for the Bay Shore schools ordered 10 Polar Active monitors, at $90 a pop, for use starting this spring. The wristwatchlike devices count heartbeats, detect motion and even track students’ sleeping habits in a bid to combat obesity.

The information is displayed on a color-coded screen and gets transmitted to a password-protected Web site that students and educators can access.

TOO FAR, TOO FAST? School aide records a student’s heart rate.

Angel Chevrestt
TOO FAR, TOO FAST? School aide records a student’s heart rate.

The devices are already in use in school districts in St. Louis and South Orange, NJ — and have raised privacy concerns among some parents and observers.

But Ted Nagengast, the Bay Shore athletics chair, said, “It’s a great reinforcement in fighting the obesity epidemic. It tells kids, in real time, ‘Am I active? Am I not active?’ We want to give kids the opportunity to become active.”

The monitors are distributed by Polar Electro, of Lake Success, LI, the US division of a Finland firm.

In the South Orange-Maplewood School District, where earlier versions of the devices have been used for two years, upper-grade students’ marks in phys ed are based in part on heart-rate monitors and activity sensors.

Teachers use hand-held computers to collect data from each student’s wrist monitor during class, then upload the information to the school computer system for storage and long-term tracking.

But privacy advocates and parents worry that schools are using electronic monitors in phys ed without families’ knowledge or consent.

“I didn’t even know it was going on, and I’m active in the school,” said Beth Huebner, of St. Louis.

Her son, a fourth-grader, wore a Polar Active monitor in class without her OK last fall at Ross Elementary School.

“We have gotten no information about the Web-site security or where the data will go,” Huebner said.

“When you get into monitoring people’s biological vital signs, that’s a pretty intrusive measurement,” said Jay Stanley, of the American Civil Liberties Union. “There are key privacy interests at play.”

At the very least, says Stanley, parents must have a say in how long the data will be stored and who will have access to it and schools must obtain parents’ consent.

“A program like this should only be voluntary. Nobody should be forced to reveal biological indicators,” he said.

“It’s all about secondary use,” said Virginia Rezmierski, an expert on information technology and privacy at the University of Michigan.

“Does the data pass along with the child from school to school? When will insurance companies want to get access to it? Will a school want to medicate a child that the monitor identifies as hyperactive? It’s potentially very dangerous ground.”

Source: NY Times


12 Ways for Random Act Of Kindness

Here are 12 ways of Random Act Of Kindness and Christmas Kindness tips to make you and others life around you little bit sweeter in busy, chaotic December! These are simple ways to cheer someone up and it will not cost you much, but bring you so much inner joy. Random act of kindness works Try it and see it yourself.

12 Ways To Make Someone’s Day: Random Act of Kindness

  1. Smile and say cheery hello to strangers.
  2. Ask and offer help to a parent of crying child
  3. Let someone in line before you.
  4. Pay toll for car behind you.
  5. Buy someone in need a hot meal or make one at home for them
  6. Pick up trash and throw in trash bin
  7. Give warm blankets or extra coat to someone in need (specially people who are homeless or less fortunate)
  8. Say Thank you.
  9. Babysit for busy parent
  10. Sing a happy tune or song  just because(even if you think you can not sing)
  11. Give a hug ( Jadoo’s Jhappi in Hindi Language)
  12. Give or read a inspirational book to someone

Bonus: This is from Valishali from If you have blankets or towels to give away, please consider donating them to your local animal shelter. The dogs and cats need them!

I want to share a small video of Jadoo is Jhappi from a Hindi Movie called Munnabhai MBBS. It is a story of guy called Murli Prasad Sharma also known as Munna bhai who is local don wanting to be a doctor. He believes in Jadoo’s Jhappi or magical hugs to bring happiness in his own way. This this short scene, he is at the hospital where he is studying to be doctor with another lady doctor and there is old cleaning person/janitor who is visibly upset from years of tough work and no appreciation. Munna bhai makes him better with his simple appreciation and his Jadoo ki Jhappi.

It is about 1.34 minute long and has english subtitle of those who do not know Hindi.

Jadoo ki Jhappi =Heartfelt Hug Video


How are you making someone’s day today?


Image Source: Jochoo